"I bless God for a religion which I cannot understand. If I could perfectly understand it I would not believe it to be divine; for I should be sure it did not come from the infinite God if I could grasp it and comprehend it." - Charles Spurgeon -

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Start of Something Great...

Today marks the beginning of the long support raising process!

For those of you who are checking out the blog site for future postings, I'm guessing you received my letter. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read about where the Lord is directing me this summer. Since i am not promised that my goal amount will be raised, the only thing i can do is trust that the Lord will get me where I feel He is calling me this summer which is Australia. Ever since the opportunity came about, I have been filled with an excitement beyond understanding to know that I will be used for such a higher purpose.

Evangelism can be pretty scary when you think about it... Walking up to random people you have never met before especially in an entirely different context. BUT knowing that this could be their only chance to hear about a saving grace which gives them HOPE knocks all fears and insecurities out of the way. As i prepare for this summer, I am praying already against the devil's schemes. Of course the devil will want to stop what the Lord is trying to do which is reach all people groups with the gospel- because when that happens, the Lord will come back, the devil's reign will be over and he will be thrown into the eternal lake of fire.

If you would like to join me in lifting up Australia in prayer this summer, I would love for you to join my prayer team! Please email me at ramsey.pursell@gmail.com and let me know if that is something you would like to do. If you happen to know of anyone else who would be interested, please share this blog with them! That would completely make my life.

Prayer is the vital breath of the Christian; not the thing that makes him alive, but the evidence that he is alive. -O.Chambers

Again, thank you so much for taking time to read about something that becoming so dear to me as well as an irresistible passion in my life...

I will keep updating this blog until my team leaves in May! Woo!

Interesting Australian Fact (just for fun!):
Australia has the world's largest population of wild camels with one hump.