"I bless God for a religion which I cannot understand. If I could perfectly understand it I would not believe it to be divine; for I should be sure it did not come from the infinite God if I could grasp it and comprehend it." - Charles Spurgeon -

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Counting Down the Days...

"If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves."
-Philippians 2:1-3-

Since the Lord met my financial goal a couple weeks ago, He has yet ceased to stop bringing in more support. I have been utterly amazed at his hand of provision these days, and I give him all the glory. Thank you all who played a part in the Lord's work if meeting my goal... I know I tell you guys every post that same thing, but I really want you to know that I am SO THANKFUL. Without you guys, I wouldn't be going or even writing in this blog of mine (which I've kind of been obsessed with lately). If you still want to give and haven't, I know for a fact that there are still members on my team who are in need of financial support. Raising $6,000 isn't as easy as we all thought =). If you would ALSO like to follow my teammates this summer as well, go check out the blogs I follow and they are the one's labeled "So-and-So's MISSION TO AUSTRALIA"... catchy huh? I am still keeping up correspondence with two women from Australia and they have given me a ton of great feedback.. Also, I was trying to find options for internships next summer and stumbled upon one in Australia connected with Student Life. I emailed the guy and he might hook me and my team up with some contacts on our campuses. How cool is that? Woo. Well, time is dwindling down... My team leaves in 13 days!

It's sad when school comes to an end and everyone leaves town... especially when things are going to be changing the next year. This is actually my last semester in the Cornerhouse with all my lovely ADPI roomies. I have had such an amazing time with them and I will definitely miss them along with my room with the sink (yes, I have a sink in my room and a pantry to put my clothes in- very lovely). Anyways, with school coming to a close (that is for us students who are NOT attending any form of summer school), everyone is finding themselves stressed for time. Trying to squeeze in studying for finals and hanging out with friends is a pretty difficult task... for me, all of that as WELL as finishing up thank you notes and preparing to pack is beginning to be a ton. I was talking to my roommate, Blakely, in the car one day and she was like, "It's weird to think you are ACTUALLY going to Australia. It's like I know you're going one of these days, but it's almost here! I guess because I've known ever since you found out which was last semester.. and that was forever ago." Tis true, Blakely, I am about to leave in 13 days. That even hits me a little.

Recently, I have felt the devil attacking parts of my life that have always been intact. I mentioned in a previous post that I knew Satan would try and get under my skin in one form or another due to the big trip coming up. Well, he has managed to get his foot in the door because I recently have become quite discouraged and started to believe some of the lies he was telling me. I was beginning to find myself in arguments with siblings, finding myself fighting patience with my mother, and feeling quick-tempered all of the sudden. Through those situations, I was questioning myself, wondering why I was having such issues with those areas since they've never been a problem before. I realized later that all along I was suffering from a serious pride issue. I was too proud to admit I was wrong or shouldn't have said what I did... and so when someone, most likely a family member, would say something, my pride wouldn't let me hear the constructive criticism. It's probably a God-thing I'm working throughout this summer on a "Humility" personal development plan... 5 weeks of good truth targeting humility. Ironic, huh? Well, God has his way of getting our attention one way or another. Also, this past Friday I made it up to Brook Hills for David Platt's Secret Church "The Gospel, Prosperity, and Possession." I highly encourage anyone to purchase his book "Radical" or listen to the podcasts from Friday Night. He preached solid truth that was really humbling to hear. If you are not familiar with Secret Church, basically its a 6 hour session of David Platt preaching on whatever the topic is of the night. He goes through the entire Bible, picking out all the scriptures that reflect or touch upon the topic, and its ROCK solid stuff.

Remember to let me know if you want to receive a personal postcard from Australia! I'm taking addresses via FB if you are interested. I wanted to show you guys this picture... I worked at a camp two summers ago and one of my sweet sweet campers, after leaving camp, made a "Miss Ramsey" doll. She has been dressing it up like me since camp and this is the latest outfit. Her mom sent me a message and said, "Hope says that the Miss Ramsey doll is packed and ready to go to Australia! We hope you have a great trip!" haha I thought it was absolutely brilliant.

Good luck on finals everyone! (that is, if you are not BLAKELY BARNETT and already home) haha sorry. Had to.

Interesting Australian Fact:
The number one mistake an American can make is pronounce "Aussie" like "Oss-ee. It's pronounced "Oz-ee"... with a "z". Good to know this tip because I've been pronouncing it wrong all up until this post. Eh. Good thing I do this little interesting fact.

"If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms wrapped about their knees, imploring them to stay. If Hell must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go unwarned and unprayed for."
-Charles Spurgeon-

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, they corrected me down there when I was saying "ossie" and told me it's "ozzie" like you said. They also like to call Australia "Oz". Quite fitting, I think...
